Dual Hoist Single Bridge Overhead Crane

$120,000 AUD

($132,000 Inc. GST)

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Dual Hoist Single Bridge Overhead Crane :      $120,000 AUD ($132,000 Inc. GST)

  • Specifications
    James crane

    Dual hoist crane adjusts spacing between the hooks easily, a further gain in work safety and flexibility. Dual hoist crane are designed especially suitable for transporting long loads of different lengths, engineering work that require to turn large objects regularly.
    No accidental displacement of the load hooks when lifting or traveling
    Operating on the same runways
    Headroom requirement is minimal
    Cranes are available in single and double girder

    Please contact us for a proper quote

    James Crane specialise in the Sales, Installation, Service and Upgrade of custom designed and built industrial overhead lifting equipment. We have the capabilities, experience and ingenuity to deliver cost-effective solutions for all your material handling needs.

    We design and build jib and overhead cranes configured to meet our clients’ specific lifting requirements and are passionate about getting your business lifting in the best and most economical way.

    Please call James for more information and for a specialised quote.

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